Pupil Premium 2018-2019

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (St John’s CE (A) Primary School – 2018/19)

Click here for a pdf version.

1. Summary information
School: St John’s CE (A) Primary School
Academic Year: 2018/19
Total PP budget: £117,780
Date of most recent PP Review
Total number of pupils: 330
Number of pupils eligible for PP/Ever 6 Primary:96
Number of pupils eligible for EYP: 21
Date for next internal review of this strategy: December 2018

January 2019 Allocation Update

2.   Current attainment of Pupil Premium Pupils
KS2           Pupils eligible for PP


National Expected Standard
               % at ARE ALL    Pupils eligible for PP (16)     Other Pupils (17) Pupils eligible for PP                Other Pupils
                Reading  (26) 79%           (11)   69%                            (15)   88%
        Writing    (23) 70%           (9)     56%                            (14)   82%
      Maths (28) 85%           (13)   81%                            (15)   88%
       SPaG  (28) 85%           (13)   81%                            (15)   88%
Combined Reading, Writing and Maths 85%           (8)     50%                            (15)   88%

**(Number of Pupils in brackets)

Average Progress + 1.9

Average Scaled Score  108.9  National 106.1

3.   Barriers to future attainment
 In-school barriers
A.     Ensuring that pupils are on track for or exceed expectations to reach EXS or GDS from their EYFS/KS1 starting points.
B.     To improve speech and language skills (delayed on entry to Nursery. This has an impact on reading, writing and maths progress in subsequent years).
C. Opportunities to understand the wider world
D. To raise the importance of social emotional well-being including healthy lifestyles
External barriers
E. To improve attendance and punctuality for PP pupils (currently lower than non-PP pupils)
F. To increase parental involvement in education.
4.   Outcomes
Desired outcomes and how they will be measured Success criteria
A.     To strengthen approaches to teaching and learning across the school which will accelerate pupils’ progress. High quality teaching and interventions will ensure that PP children either remain on or exceed their trajectory based on EYFS or KS1 results.
B.     Speech and Language skills in Early Years. Children in Nursery and Reception will apply skills taught in the classroom in a language rich environment. Pupils eligible for PP will achieve and attain in line with peers.
C.     Opportunities to understand the wider world. For children to have a wider vocabulary as a result of visiting more places and wow days. Children to have increased self-confidence and ambitions. Data to show PP children participate in extra curriculum activities.
D.     To raise the importance of social emotional well-being including healthy lifestyles. Children’s emotional needs are met enabling them to deal with ‘life problems’ easier, with confidence, knowing what the right thing to do is.
E.      To raise the attendance and punctuality of PP pupils. To see increased number of PP pupils with attendance of above 90%.
F.      To increase parental involvement in education. To see an increase in parental involvement with their children’s homework % of children reading at home.
5.   Planned expenditure
Academic year 2018-2019
The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the pupil premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies.
    i.   Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome Chosen action / approach What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? How will you ensure it is implemented well? Staff lead When will you review implementation?
Outcome A

To strengthen approaches to teaching and learning across the school which will accelerate pupil progress


Appraisal for 2018/19 clearly identifies pupils who must achieve EXS or GDS based on EYFS or KS1 data


Quality CPD for staff

By identifying children that are not on track to achieve EXS or GDS teachers can ensure that high quality interventions are used to target those pupils.

Identifying children that have the potential to reach GDS will ensure that better than expected progress can be made.


·         Appraisal meetings in Autumn 2018

·         In-year appraisal meetings

·         Pupil Progress Meetings

·         Termly data tracking

·         Whole school staff meeting

·         Training




Outcome A

To strengthen approaches to teaching and learning in Y6 & Y2

Stoke 6 – moderation of Writing



Moderation – Sandon Primary

Internal moderation

Cross school moderation with 5 schools across the city will give all staff an agreement of ‘expected’ and ‘GDS’ standards


·         Y2 teachers to attend the event with Stoke 6 colleagues

·         Feedback from staff

SLT Following the Event
  Total budgeted cost



Outcome A

To improve outcomes for KS1 by the end of 1/2 in all areas

KS1 TAs deliver daily reading support and interventions Additional reading support and interventions for phonics and reading will help to close the gap of PP children with their peers. ·         KS Meetings to measure impact

·         Reading records sheets

·         Observations of interventions

KS1 Lead Termly
Outcome A

To improve outcomes for KS2 by the end of Y6 in all areas

KS2 TA’s to deliver daily reading support and interventions


Additional sessions for targeted children in Y6

Additional reading questioning/support will help to close the gap for PP children and their peers.

Employ a teacher to provide quality maths tuition, highly effective in previous years

·         KS Meetings to measure impact

·         Reading records sheets

·         Observations of interventions Observations of additional sessions EXS & GDS

EY Lead







                                                                                                                                                                                        Total budgeted cost £8280
Outcome B

To improve speech and language skills

Staff training on Assessment and speech and language skills

Stoke speaks out training

Outdoor area in EY improved to help learning activities

Parent workshops for EY children

Visits/Wow days



The Sutton Trust/EEF identifies that disadvantaged children benefit from good quality programmes delivered by well trained staff in early years


Areas more inclusive and interactive

·         Records kept of initial and ongoing assessments

·         Peer observations of relevant interventions

·         Administer Communication screen to all

EY Lead
Total budgeted cost £4000
Outcome C

Opportunities to understand the wider world

Regular themed days/activities

Children to have visits/visitors to enrich the curriculum

Stanley Head residential

Children enjoying different experiences leads to greater confidence speaking and listening which impacts on reading ·         PDM Meeting

·         Feedback from children and their families

Outcome D

To raise the importance of social emotional well-being, including healthy lifestyles

Whole school training on attachment to raise awareness.

Weekly PSHE lessons Jigsaw resource

Additional play and lunchtime resources to encourage co-operative play

Health fitness and well-being week external provider

Emotional needs of children supported to enable them to make good progress

Bergin and Bergin 2009 estimate one third of children have insecure attachment

Increased mental well-being behaviour and attachment.

·         Monitoring progress of children through pupil tracking

·         Pupil interviews

·         Governors interviews

SLT Termly
Total budgeted cost £16,000
Outcome E

To improve the attendance and punctuality of PP pupils

Whole school focus led by HSLW on importance of good attendance and punctuality

Additional EWO time

Attendance clinics

Good attendance weekly cinema vouchers and end of year prizes

Good attendance reward visit

Free breakfast club

Link with attainment provision

Attendance has improved for 2 years and PP attendance has increased

To raise expectations across the community of regular attendance and age related outcomes.

·         Weekly monitoring

·         Data analysis

·         PP attendance 90%

HT/Link Governor
Total budgeted cost £16,200
Outcome F

To increase parental involvement in education

Parent workshops/courses

Attendance at open evening, SATs meeting increased, so parents see school as a safe place to come

Drop ins to HSLW

Coffee mornings/afternoons

·         Meetings

·         Parental Feedback

·         Attendance data for open night

·         Increase in parental involvement  with children’s homework

HT Termly
Total budgeted cost £500
Other areas of spending include
Additional Detail Objective Cost
Other areas of expenditure includes
Support for Parents and Families To provide uniform resources for PP children £1,100
Breakfast Club To provide breakfast for identified pupils £1,100
Enrichment activities To subside school visits

To provide pupils the opportunity to experience live theatre

Active Lunchtimes To provide pupils with fun challenging alternative activates

To encourage healthy lifestyles, team work and to reinforce behaviour during unstructured parts of the day

Teaching Assistants to support reading To provide daily additional reading opportunities £49,400
Specific resources including homework resources to support individual pupils identified needs To provide essentials that are needed to support and enrich individual pupils £400