Sports Premium Funding 2018/19
Each year schools are given a PE grant based on the number of pupils, to enhance the provision of physical education. It is ring fenced and allocated to the head teacher to achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport and to increase children fitness.
Our allocation for 2018/19 is £18,503.
The department of education’s vision for the funding is that, all pupils leave primary schools physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
St John’s CE (A) Primary School aim to use the funding so it “leads to a self-sustaining and long lasting impact on physical activity that will live on well beyond the primary PE and sports premium funding”.
We promote healthy lifestyles daily and focus on 2 high quality PE lessons through a broad and balanced curriculum. Increased staff knowledge and training, additional opportunities throughout the day and additional sporting opportunities.
Evaluating the impact of 2017/18 sports premium
- 73% achieved 25m award in swimming (4 new to Y6 with little previous swimming), LA average.
- 100% participation in lessons – staff report better fitness levels.
- Range of after school clubs increased/Range of competitions/festivals increased and increased number of pupils have taken part.
- Free PE kit successful and popular.
- Fitness tests impacted on children’s health and involved families as were reported.
- Focus on active warm ups in PE lessons.
- Improved active break and lunch times have impacted on health & wellbeing of all children.
- Membership of OPEN network with regular CPD helps the quality of teaching & learning in PE.
- The Val Sabin PE scheme contains planning materials and useful information.
- Resources for lunchtime and playground improvements help promote sporting activities.