
Our Class Information Book for Parents/Carers

Class: Nursery

Staff: Miss Pollock
Mrs Colley
Mrs Root

Autumn Term 2018


    Content Key Words

Phonics (Phase 1)

Mark making


Nursery Rhymes

phoneme, sounds, listening ears,


Number language

Play with shapes

Ordering objects

number, counting, shapes, big, little, small, biggest, largest, smallest


Understanding the World Own families and friends, using computers, Autumn  Families and friends, Computers equipment, Autumn objects found outside.
Expressive Arts and Design Singing Nursery rhymes, using instruments, using imagination, mixing colours Sing, colour, create, role play, imagination, names of colours, instrument name
PE Getting dressed and undressed, Dance: moving in different ways to music. Stretch, Jump, clap, walk, jog, skip, hop

Our Homework

Reading and Activity books (both after half term)

Special things to remember

PE is on Thursdays.
Home work will be given out in Activity books on Wednesday and needs to be returned the following Monday.

Our class rules

  1. Kind hands and feet.
  2. Share.
  3. Listen.
  4. No running.
  5. Look after our toys.
  6. Have fun!

Things you can do to help your child:

Encourage your child to put on their coat as well as dress and undress themselves.
Encourage your child to hold a pencil correctly.
Sing Nursery Rhymes with your child.

Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural Experiences

Social Moral Spiritual Cultural

Please tick which area this is evidence for.

Who was involved? All of Nursery
When? Monday 15th October to  Friday 19th October
Briefly describe how the activity / event added to the SMSC experience for the children. For our Sensory week we explored the 5 senses. We have had lots of fun, focussing on a different sense each day. We have explored sensory bottles, smelt different herbs and also touched different materials such as water beads in the water tray. We have also been on an Autumn listening walk and listened for the ‘snap, crackle and pop’ of rice krispies as well as tasting different fruits. It was a fun filled week and the children clearly had fun.
Any other details? We also made a ‘sensory sheet’ where we had to work out which body part matched to the different senses such as nose to smell. The children had lots of fun and we are looking forward to the next themed day or week!