Our Class Information Book for Parents/Carers
Class: Y3/4
Staff: Mr Meir
Autumn Term 2018
Our Topics
Subject | Topic | Key Words | Home Activities |
English | Traditional tales. | Characters, description, settings, fiction, author, nouns. | Reading four times a week.
Spelling sheet. Homework. |
Maths | Working with numbers, times table, division and co-ordinates. | Units, tens, hundreds, thousands, multiply, times tables, divide. | Homework. |
Science | Sound | Pitch, amplitude, loud, quiet, vibration, waves, wind, percussion, strings. | |
RE | The Kingdom of God | God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Jesus, baptism, crucifixion, ascension, flames, tongues. | |
Learning Challenge Curriculum | Why is Liverpool such a cool place? | Landmarks, cathedrals, pop groups, co-ordinates, Liver bird, ferry. | |
PSHCE | How do we fit in? | Respect, values, love, care, nurture, respect. | |
PE | Balance | Apparatus, equipment, partner work. | |
IT | Purple mash – 2Logo | Programme, order, de-bug |
Our Homework
Will be given out on Wednesday and must be back by the following Monday. Spellings will be given out on Monday, for a test on Friday.
Special things to remember
PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday. PE kit to be kept in school. No earrings to be worn on these days.
Our class rules
- When the teacher is talking, always listen.
- Always put up your hand to speak.
- Be responsible for: Your actions. Equipment
- Always be sensible and safe.
- Always tell the truth.
- Be kind to others.