Year 5

Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural Experiences

Social Moral Spiritual Cultural

Please tick which area this is evidence for.

Who was involved? All of Y5
When? Wednesday 10th October, 2018
Briefly describe how the activity / event added to the SMSC experience for the children.


On Tuesday we had a special Viking Day at school for year 5 and 6.  We had lots of fun dressing as Vikings and making a Viking Longboat. We worked in teams to guess what different Viking artefacts were and then discovered the truth after great discussions. We all got to handle real Viking weaponry, Helmets and try our strength at the chainmail challenge!

We all got to use the Quern (mill) stones to grind the grain into flour as the Vikings would have done to create their bread and trained as Vikings using wrestling sticks, spears and shields.

Any other details?


We were told about important, historical battles and We learnt about Viking Runes (signs and symbols used by the Vikings as their alphabet) Viking board games were also provided and we asked our quest speaker lots of interesting questions, such as, “Did the Vikings really throw sick children over board?”


Our Class Information Book for Parents/Carers

Class: Y5/6

Staff: Mr Wiggins

Autumn Term 2018

Our Topics

Subject Topic Key Words Home Activities
English Conversational dialogue

proof reading





characterisation plot



relative clauses with who, which, where, when, whose and that

Read stories with strong descriptive writing at home and discuss features.

Invent characters and write about their appearance and personalities.

Maths Place value of seven digit numbers

Addition and subtraction

Multiplication and division

Column Systems

Millions, Hundred thousands, Ten Thousands, Hundreds, tens, units/ones.

Times and divide

Help with simplified shopping and pocket money costs and budget. Practise times tables and division facts.
Science Animal categories






fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals

Look at various animals, their differences and discuss why they have evolved
RE why some people do and do not believe in God? Father, son and Holy spirit

Worship religion

theism, atheism and agnosticism

Talk about beliefs of various faiths
Learning Challenge Curriculum Reasons why Vikings came to Britain King Alfred






Discussion and comparison of beliefs between Christian and Pagans
PSHCE Being in my world

Celebrating difference

Goals, achievements, ambition Talk to your child about how they are feeling and their hopes
PE Gymnastics



Stretch and strength

Encourage your child to be active.
Computing Software skills


Online safety


Tools and outcomes

Our Homework

Spelling – given on Monday and to be completed by Friday.
Maths and/or English – given on Wednesday and to be completed by following Wednesday.

Special things to remember

PE is on Monday and Friday

Our class rules

  1. Listen to the teacher/adult and others.
  2. Put your hand up if you want to speak
  3. Be polite and use good manners at all times
  4. keep our hands/feet to ourselves.
  5. Respect each other and our differences.
  6. Take care and pride in ourselves and our school.
  7. Concentrate and always try.
  8. Ask for help if we need it.
  9. No eating in class (unless we have been told to by an adult).
  10. Treat others how you wish to be treated.
  11. Be truthful.
  12. Help others.
  13. Be safe.
  14. Be happy.