Dear parents/ carers,
Summer term is a very busy term for us and we are working extremely hard within Year 5/6! We have enjoyed moving into our new areas of learning and we are particularly enjoying our new Learning challenge curriculum topic: ‘Why should rainforests be important to us all?’. This is giving us the opportunity to explore the climate and habitat of the rainforest, whilst making some excellent maths links. We have been able to create bar charts and line graphs showing average rainfall and temperatures and then worked on analysing this data.
Within Science this term we are enjoying lots of hands-on experiences and will be taking the opportunity to do some of our learning outdoors whilst investigating the different forces acting on us in different situations. We will be deepening our knowledge of the force and gravity and the work of Sir Issac Newton.
Within Maths we have been developing our knowledge of angles and will move on to looking at area and perimeter of shape. We are having a big focus on word problems this term, working on our ability to understand what the question is asking us and choosing the appropriate operation to solve it.
Within Literacy we have been learning about narrative poetry, which provided opportunities for plenty of speaking and listening activities. We have learnt about newspaper reports and their features and will move on to learning about written arguments which will be linked to our topic ‘Do we live in a fair world?’.
We are looking forward to lots more fun and exciting learning this term.
Miss Whalley and Year 5/6.