Good To Be Green


Every child in the school aims to ‘stay on green’ all week.  In order to do this, they need to follow the class rules and behave appropriately at all times.  Each class room has a ‘Good To Be Green’ chart displayed at the front in which each child has a green credit card to show they are behaving well.

Our behaviour system encourages good behaviour with the use of regular praise, stickers, praise pads, certificates and other tangible rewards.  Also, pupils can earn silver ‘Privilege’ cards which enable them to access other treats e.g. being allowed to sit on a chair during carpet time or going first for lunch etc.

A warning system is used for pupils who may not be following rules.  This consists of a verbal warning, followed by a yellow ‘Warning’ card and then a red ‘Consequences’ card.  Pupils who have a red card will miss some of their lunchtime as a consequence of their poor behaviour.

Our pupils are always encouraged to return to a green card as quickly as possible by displaying good behaviour.  Our aim is to begin and end every day ‘on Green’.

Good behaviour is rewarded by class teachers informally throughout each week and through our ‘Celebration Assembly’ every week.  At the end of each half term those children who have remained ‘on green’ for the whole half term are rewarded with a series of behaviour awards.