What is expected?
By the end of year 2:
2x, 5x, 10x tables including division facts.
By the end of year 3:
2x, , 3x, 4x, 5x, 10x tables including division facts.
By the end of year 4:
All of the times tables including division facts.
By the end of year 6:
Square numbers, square roots, prime numbers, all multiples and all factors
How can you help?
- Ask your child regularly – keep it casual
- Get them to test you – make it a family competition
- Chant the tables together
- Play games – if the answer is …, what is the question?
- Use the websites on the ‘Websites for Children’ page
- Count up and down in the times tables you are learning – take turns to say a number
- Write out number sequences with numbers missing – can your child spot the patterns?
- Write down the answers from the tables – can your child sort them into groups?
- Pieces of paperwith the tables question on one side, the answer on the other. Take turns to choose a card – what is written on the other side?