School Travel Plan Questionnaire
Results for March 2018
1. Do you feel safe coming to school?
100% felt safe coming to school.
2. Do you think the grounds are safe?
100% thought that the grounds are safe.
3. Are the paths in the school grounds safe to walk on?
100% thought the paths were safe to walk on.
4. How can we make the site safer in the morning?
Suggestions included: Using grit, look out for ice, barriers between road and pavement, make gate wider, hold parents/carers hand or pram, walk, tell people not to run on ice, staff to go outside.
5. How can we make our school site and surrounding areas safer at the end of the day?
Suggestions included: Keep gate/doors locked, use the alarm, put an alarm on the gate, more cameras, children to walk with a grown up, no parking by the gates, no parking near to the houses, electric fences.
6. How can we encourage more walking?
Suggestions included: Give prizes, competitions, talk about the health benefits, posters, and learn more about environmental benefits.
7. How can we encourage more cycling and scooting?
Suggestions included: Tell parents/carers about it, more bike and scooting clubs/lessons, get more scooters.
8. What else can we do to encourage safe travel to school?
Suggestions included: Lollipop person, put up posters, walk to school, make sure cars don’t come to the gate, stay next to parents/carers, recap on rules for being safe.