PSHE and Citizenship

PSHE and Citizenship
Within PSHE and Citizenship we have launched our new scheme of learning called ‘Jigsaw’. This incorporates Mindfulness, British values, SMSC and Relationships. There are 6 main themes explored in all classes to a varying degree of difficulty, depending on the age of the children. These are: ‘being me in my world’, ‘celebrating difference’, ‘dreams and goals’, ‘healthy me’, ‘relationships’ and ‘changing me’.
Each lesson includes a ‘calm me’ section promoting mindfulness. This involves a chime being struck and the children closing their eyes, focussing on breathing techniques and clearing their minds from distraction.
When asked their views on the new scheme of work children said, “I like the different sections of the lessons and how it helps us to work together and think about our community.”

A calm me session taking place:
SMSC is now deeply embedded within our PSHE and Citizenship curriculum. However, we also plan extra opportunities for SMSC development for the children- below are some examples:
Food for life
As a school we have achieved the BRONZE food for life award and we are currently working towards meeting more of the objectives for the SILVER award. We work hard to promote a healthy ethos towards mealtimes and therefore we frequently invite parents/ grandparents in to join in the mealtime experience with their children. In addition to this, we provide healthy lunchbox tips within the school newsletter to inspire families with fresh ideas of what they could pack for their children. Additionally the ‘Make it, Bake it, Take it’ club, held after school, allows children to try making different recipes and allows them to take these for parents to try, along with the recipe.
Below is an example from the newsletter and some photos of one of our parent lunches: