Sunday Church

Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural experiences


Please tick which area this is evidence for.



Who was involved?
Some children from Y3M

Sunday 6th March, 2016

Briefly describe how the activity / event added to the SMSC experience for the children.
On Sunday some children from Y3M went to take part in the service at St John’s church in Trent Vale. The children that chose to take part were: Emily, Lina, Oscar, Alyssa, Jeff and Berrie. The service was about water, and we were very lucky to see two children, from one of our families from our school, being baptised. We told the story of when John, who was Jesus’ cousin, baptised Jesus. Although John knew Jesus had no dirt in him at all, Jesus still wanted to be treated like ‘everyone else’ and follow God’s word. We also played ‘When the Saints come marching in’ on the recorder, which we only started learning at the beginning of Y3 in September.

The children were good at following the service because we have taken part in Holy Communion at school. It was wonderful to see that the children who chose to take part were from other religious denominations. They were all welcomed to the church. Thank you to parents for allowing your children to take part.

The children were very respectful and their playing and readings were commented upon by many of the congregation, who came up to them after the service. Everyone was very impressed. Well done.

Any other details?
The children wrote their own prayer to read out in church.

Dear Lord,
Help and look after those who are poorly.
Help and look after those who haven’t got a home.
Help and look after those who are hungry and thirsty.
Help and look after everyone at St John’s school and church.
